Winery Application

The winery application is open year-round.
The deadline to apply for the 2024 festival has passed, however you may still apply for 2025.

Mid-February, the Taste Winery Committee will review all completed applications received by the deadline date and will begin filling the available space.


*Winery Name
*Winery Address
*Winery Phone
*Contact Name
*Contact Home Address
*Contact Home/Cell Phone:
Contact E-Mail:
*How long have you been in business?
*How many employees do you have?
Have you done off-site business?
If yes, what?
Who referred you to the Taste of Buffalo?
Please briefly describe four (4) wines you would propose to serve.
*Item 1
*Item 2
*Item 3
*Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
*indicates required field